Speaking & Facilitating
For envisioning the future you want,
and how to get there.
Dr. Adler is an approachable, relatable presenter with 20 years experience,
encouraging audiences to consider their existing connections to material
and examine what they already know.
Dr. Adler brings fresh perspectives tailored to the audience,
backed by data and research.
Dr. Adler's facilitating was honed, among other places, at NYU,
where in one year alone Dr. Adler presented to over
1,000 crossfunctional stakeholders across the university's global operations.
All Dr. Adler's presentations provide opportunities to
explore the past and present, imagine the future, and
to create practical plans for how to make that future manifest.
Don't Be a Hero!
An adage that Dr. Adler lives by. In fact, Dr. Adler says this to people a lot.
Why shouldn't you try to take on too much? What's the benefit to examining every strategy, every task, and asking, "Should I be the person doing this? Should it be done at all?" How do we create organizations, groups, and communities where no one needs to be a hero?
When people aren't heroes and don't have to be, everyone gets to work hard on things they're great at, everyone draws closer to each other, and great things are achieved.
Disability Inclusion Basics
Many folks want to be disability inclusive, but information on how to be disability inclusive is hard to find.
These sessions present the basics from the perspective that everyone has a relevant frame of reference for disability, and anyone can be disabled at any time.
Audiences learn what disability is (and isn't), current language and practices for being disability inclusive, and how to stay up-to-date as disability inclusion changes.
Disability Deep Dives
Do you know that disability justice is a social movement, not a general concept?
You know about the biomedical and social models of disability, but what about the economic, moral, and charity
These sessions are for organizations and teams that center disability in their strategy and vision.
Dr. Adler familiarizes the audience with disability movements and fields, in-depth examinations of interpersonal and structural ableism, and disability-related interventions specific to your strategic goals.
Sports in the Future
Success in sport performance, like success in any area of life, depends on three things: opportunities, resources and support.
These sessions are for anyone: athletes, coaches, fans, parents of student and youth athletes...even people who are just aware that sports exist!
How have societies shaped how sports are today? How have we been impacted by sports?
And most importantly, what do you want sports to be like in the future?
These sessions help us put our money where our mouths - and hearts - are, to imagine and shape sports into the future.
Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, USA
19610The images for the first three topics on this web page come from Disabled and Here, a disability-led stock image and interview series celebrating disabled Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC). The first photo was taken by Tojo Andrianarivo, with make-up artistry from Lana Shapiro. The second and third photos were taken by Chona Kasinger.
Dr. Angela Adler © 2024